Year/Date of Issue: 07.2024
Version: 2024.07
Developer: HOFA-Plugins
Developer’s website: hofa-plugins
Bit depth: 64bit
Tablet: The program has been treated (install and work)
System requirements: macOS 10.14+
HOFA Everything Bundle Standalone, AU
HOFA Plugin is designed for editing of audio. It contains the compressor, reverbs, equalizers, saturator modulation effects etc. HOFA Everything bundle Download contains all 48 plugins for ease of music creators and producers.
All HOFA 4U+ plugins
HOFA 4U+ BlindTest, HOFA 4U+ DynamicTiltEQ, HOFA 4U+ ProjectTime V3
Everything from HOFA SYSTEM
SYSTEM basic, AlgoVerb, EQ-Dynamic, MixBox, PhaserChorusFlanger, Saturator, IR-Verb, MasterLimiter, TransientShaper
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All IQ-Series plugins
IQ-Series EQ, IQ-Series Analyzer (plugin + standalone), IQ-Series DeEsser, IQ-Series Comp, IQ-Series Reverb with all IR packs, IQ-Series Transient, IQ-Series Limiter
All HOFA premastering tools
HOFA CD-Burn.DDP.Master (plugin), HOFA CD-Burn.DDP.Master PRO (app), HOFA DDP Player, HOFA DDP Player Maker
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