Sonus Paradisi – Cembalo Ruckers Model (HAUPTWERK)

Sonus Paradisi – Cembalo Ruckers Model (HAUPTWERK)


Sonus Paradisi – Cembalo Ruckers Model (HAUPTWERK)

Publisher: Sonus Paradisi
Website: Sonus Paradisi
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

What is Cembalo Ruckers Model?

Two hand dulcimers were designed from a model by John Rückers of 1624, which is housed in the Unterlinden Museum (formerly owned by the de Sade family and kept at the Château de Condé, Condé-en-Brie).

In Flemish dulmer you will get a solid construction and a colorful tone with rich resonance. Flemish makers are the first to build two-manual harpsichords after 1600.
The Rückers workshop is chalked up to creating the most advanced harpsichords, and even today it is a benchmark for harpsichordists and harpsichord makers.

The replica is used to record the sample set found at the Prague Academy of Music. Replica was manufactured by František Vyhnálek in 2008. The proliferous Czech harpsichord maker has desgined more than 150 advance instruments in the past 25 years. He builds after French, Flemish, Italian and German models. Except cembalos, he builds also virginals and spinets. Most instruments of František Vyhnálek sound used in many countries of Europe, in U.S.A., in Japan and are used by top harpsichordists (Zuzana Ruzickova, Gustav Leonhardt, Ton Koopman, Jacques Ogg, Johann Sonnleitner etc.)

Key Features of Hauptwerk

Hauptwerk v.4 and higher supported.

Recording technique

Harpsichord model is available in two different variants:

XY recording

By XY function you can record from close distance. You can use synchronized membranes of the cardioid microphones for the recording allow for the mono compatibility. Thus, this variant of the cembalo model is suitable for the formation of audio montages, applying various effects, mixing, panning,  with other virtual instruments and much more.

AB recording

Spaced omnis  function allow you to record from close distance. The recording offers  extraordinary rich, even and faithfull sound image of the instrument recorded. Strongly recommended for soloistic use.

Installation :

  • Copy the Organ Definitions and OrganInstallationPackages folders to the
  • Hauptwerk\HauptwerkSampleSetsAndComponents folder,
  • or select this folder to download the distribution (the final folder!) if you want to avoid copying.


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